Sunday, December 27, 2009

All Quiet On The Western Front - 1930


Phew! I never knew two hours and thirteen minutes could last so long. Not having seen either version of this anti-war flick, I wasn't certain what to expect. This must have been something back in 1930, but we've come a long way baby!

With the audio quality such as it was, some scenes were hard to understand not knowing what the characters were saying, and some acting was so bad Lisa and I kept looking at each other and rolling our eyes. Still, we persevered and made it through to the end trying to keep in mind that it was probably hot stuff back then.

My favorite character was Kat, the enterprising soldier with a heart and gruff exterior. After that, it was a rather poignant commentary about how war isn't all grand and glorious and those back home don't really get how horrible it is when you're in the thick of it.

I'm not at all throwing my hat in the pacifist ring as it is my belief that there will always be really bad people that have to be stopped at different times in history. The movie does make it's point though that all is not fair in love and war and usually isn't. Through this movie and several others, I do come away with that perspective, but I still am deeply grateful for those who have served to protect our country and my right to do just this...make my opinion known.


Well, our first movie is finally over. I feel like we watched that movie all afternoon and it was just over two hours long! I understand that the making of that movie must have been a really big deal at the time. There were tons of extras and special effects which I am sure was a huge accomplishment for movie making at the time. But, it seemed to really drag out. There were a couple of good lines (although I can’t remember them anymore) but overall, I had a hard time identifying with the characters. Kat was a pretty cool guy but most everyone else kind of blurred together. I would have thought that Andy would appreciate the movie as he usually likes action and war themes but he seemed to be just about as bored as I was. least we got three loads of laundry done while we were watching it! I am looking forward to seeing what else the 20’s are going to bring us!

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