Sunday, January 24, 2010

Broadway Melody - 1929


Broadway Melody was a very enjoyable movie...for the first hour or so. I seemed to drag on toward the end. I liked the singing and entertainment. There were some great dance numbers – especially for it’s time. One of the main characters, Hank, was really great. She was clever and funny and had a good attitude. There was a guy at the beginning that had a really big head! :) There was a lot of music and it was very catchy. It was interesting to note that there was some scantily clad women at times. I guess that has always been around and I never realized it before.

I can see progression in the movie making process from the first movies we saw. That is about all the input I have. First of all, I didn’t write this blog immediately, so I forgot some of the details of the movie. Secondly, I feel like the movie industry moved so quickly and created bigger and better movies so quickly, that this movie has become less of a great movie in light of the ones that followed.


Okay, we flaked out on writing our thoughts on this one until weeks later. Lisa told me I have to type up something even if it's short one (picture her typing on her "air typewriter") and I ALWAYS do what Lisa says (ppbbbbtttt-pppbbtt...snicker snicker)!

So...there was music...some girl with a guy's name...really bad audio...and cat fights! Oh yeah, and there was the sisters that were inseparable, then estranged, and then back together thing that went on.

I'm shy on the detail (I know - you're saying "YES!" about now), but one thing did stand out to me. I've apparently been under the delusion that the first half of the last century was pretty moral and upstanding in its entertainment. What surprised me was the racy nature of some of the themes and situations in those early movies. I do dig those wavy hairdos for the women though - they drive me wild - NOT!

I do remember that it was very hard to make out an annoyingly significant amount of dialogue and we hadn't thought that these old movies would have that feature available. I am really glad that the audio and cinematography is improving in the later ones as we meander through this list of Best Pictures.

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