Sunday, January 31, 2010

It Happened One Night - 1934

His -

What a difference a few years has made in movie-making! You could understand most everything being said without subtitles (although we thought about having those on - but you can't do that when watching instantly on Netflix as far as we could tell), the video was vastly improved, and the acting - except for a few scenes - was much better. Clark Gable (Peter) does well and Claudette Colbert (Ellen) wasn't too bad either.

This was the first movie that I wasn't watching the clock wondering when it was going to be over. It's my understanding that this was the first romantic comedy (at least that won) and I do like that genre.

As an aside, I was surprised that songs like "Flying Trapeze" were around back in the 1930s. For some reason I thought of those as coming into being sometime after that. And Lisa has been saying things like a "10 spot" ($10 bill) ever since I knew her - who knew it was in the vernacular way back then!

There was some clever writing in this movie. I found myself wondering how the two of them (Peter and Ellen) were going to get out of a potentially sticky situation when the bus ran off the road into a mud pond, when Peter came up with a rather clever solution. I think movies that make you wonder in such ways are well written.

I love movies that can entertain you and have happy endings as a bonus. While I can appreciate serious subjects (especially historically driven stories), I rather like happy endings. I don't like watching movies that simply document all the negative aspects of life - reality can stink - why spend time watching a story about it. I like to escape into stories that give me hope of better times and a better outlook. This movie entertained me and left me feeling good. Well done Frank Capra (you should have won for It's A Wonderful Life)!

Hers -

The first romantic comedy! Gone are the days of lame camera shots and shoddy sound. This was a well made movie! They are getting better all the time!

The move plot was very clever, although it happened over more than one night. Clark’s character meets Claudette’s character on a bus as she is traveling from Miami to New York City. She jumped over the side of a boat to run away from her father and toward her “husband” who she eloped with. She meets up with Clark’s character on the bus and they have several witty conversations and grow closer and closer to each other as they get closer and closer to New York.

Clark Gable was witty and handsome and clever and a really great leading man. I can see why he was such a heart throb. There were some great lines in this movie. It was interesting to see the actors saying phrases that I say all the time like “ten spot”. I think it is the OCD part of me that really appreciated the fact that Clark Gable hung a blanket up between him and Claudette Colbert in the motel room and he made sure that the blanket was straight and even. Love it! :)

Claudette did a great job as well. Actresses have gone from over dramatic to somewhat real since we have started this adventure and Claudette did a very good job at her timing and wit. It was interesting to read that she only liked to show the right side of her face. When you know that fact going into the movie, it is fun to watch the camera angles.

I laughed a lot more than Andy. I’m not sure why but I did really enjoy the clever writing. It Happened One Night was the first movie to sweep the Academy Awards. It won for best picture, best director, best actor and best actress. See...even from the beginning of movie times, the real world wants to see romantic comedy! :)

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